
Ignatios N. Nikolaou was born in Athens (Greece), in 1979. After completing his studies at the National Technical University of Athens (MSc Mechanics Engineer) in 2003 he joined the Hellenic Coast Guard as officer and has served for a number of years among others as Flag State Surveyor, Environmental Protection Officer and Legal Prosecution Officer.

In 2008 he completed his second MSc in Environment and Development and from 2008 to 2011 he worked as part-time technical assistant to the District Attorney of Piraeus for marine accidents. In 2012 he joined the Hellenic Bureau for Marine Casualties Investigations (HBMCI) as marine accident investigator and head of the Department of Research, Applications and Statistics Analysis. In 2015 he succeeded in getting the position of National Expert seconded at the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). 

After completing his secondment in 2018 he returned to HBMCI where resuming duties as safety accident investigator and head of the Department of Research, Applications and Statistics Analysis.
In December 2020 he was elected for 2 years as the Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Cooperation Framework (PCF) of the European Accident Investigation Bodies' representations (as provided by article 10 of EU Dir.2009/18/EC and EU Commission Reg.651/2011). He was also part of the IMO/III subcommittee's Correspondence Group on marine casualty analysis. During his career he has contributed and produced various marine safety studies at national and international level.

In April 2023 he was offered the position of Project Officer in the Unit of Capacity Building at the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and has joined the Agency ever since.

As trainer, he has participated in a number of training activities on various topics and in particular on accident investigation, at national and international level, such as in-house training of investigators and EMCIP users (HBMCI), Core Skills Training for accident investigators (EMSA), EMCIP training (EMSA) as well as trainer for Flag State experts (EMSA) on accident investigation. Since 2019, he was also a trainer on safety accident investigation, for numerous training modules of various organizations and associations, including DNV, HELMEPA and CYMEPA.

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e-mail address:
ignationn@gmail.com (personal)