Epilogue - evaluation

You have reached the end of this case study. Hopefully you have enjoyed the process and possibly you have earned a few tips and hints on the safety accident investigation domain.

Make sure you have gone through any feedback to your comments in the previous stage, as open and dynamic interaction among the accident investigators and experts is the core of acquiring spherical knowledge and enriching your potential as accident investigator.

This is not the end of your experience in safety accident investigation. Try to make it a beginning and feel free to interact with your colleagues all around the safety accident investigation community, which is international.

It would be appreciated if you spend a few minutes to send me some feedback on your experience to help improve this case study for the future participants (suggestions to write: what you liked / disliked / missed, etc.). Please submit your evaluation comments below and feel free to do that by adding your name or anonymously.
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Thank you for your participation!

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