Case scenario introduction

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The following information have been forwarded to your office from the local Coast Guard Authority:

At 15:30 LT on 17th of December 2019, M/V ROSEMARY (flag: Greece, crew: 9 Syrian and Egyptian) while berthed on her starboard side along the dock of Kiato Port (Greece) commenced departing procedures. The weather conditions were good and the procedure would be assisted by T/B PANTHER V (flag: Liberia, crew: 3 Greek) which received a towing line from the aft port quarter of ROSEMARY. No Port pilot was available and as a result the whole procedure was planned exclusively by the Master of the ship. 

ROSEMARY cast off her starboard bow from the pier handling her aft spring line and according to the plan of her Master, the stern would be cleared by the towing (pulling) of the T/B. However, according to the Master of ROSEMARY, tug΄s manoeuvre was carried out with more engine power than expected and as a result the distance between ROSEMARY΄s stern and the dock became greater than the distance between her bow and the dock rendering the ship’s heading hazardous and posing a risk of grounding or impacting on the breakwater of the fishing shelter inside Kiato Port.

(press on photo to enlarge)

The manoeuvring of ROSEMARY in order to avoid the dangerous situation and since PANTHER V did not release the towline, resulted in the progressive listing of the tug to starboard side and in the tug’s rapid foundering. 

Early statement from a witness from the dock mentioned that he thought he saw the tow line break and thus ROSEMARY managed to continue her manoeuvre and exited the port entrance. 

Two crew members of the Tug out of three abandoned her (Engineer and deck rating) while she was girting to starboard and were rescued. Following the foundering the Skipper was emerged on sea surface but lost his consciousness and shortly after it was determined he had died. According to the post-mortem examination by the Forensic Service of Patras it was determined that the cause of his death was due to drowning by seawater.

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