
Dear participants,

welcome to this blog which was created for use by professionals who are interested in Marine Accident Investigation training. The method used for training by this blog is asynchronous, thus allowing the participants to get training at their own availability and pace, as long as they remain active and willing.
The purpose of the blog is to host a case scenario for practice for the participants, to enhance their knowledge and skills on marine investigation techniques and actions. If you reach the end of the training module you will have acquired knowledge on marine safety investigation legislation, techniques and methods and you will have developed some skills on dealing as an investigator with the context of an accident.
To be able to participate you need to connect with a google account. If you do not have one, you can create one by following the instructions here.

To navigate efficiently during the scenario, make sure you follow the sequence and the instructions provided on each page.The whole process will be more effective if carried out in a dynamic manner, meaning that certain interaction and discussion should take place, depending on the various tasks requested on the way. It is advisable that each user should participate in such interaction before moving to the next step or task, as useful information may derive from the dialogue which will assist you and even save you time in the next steps.

All references to Flag States, ship names and other information is fictional and serves only for educational purposes. No reproduction of the material hosted on this blog should be carried out without informing the author of the blog.

Also, any opinions and ideas shared during the exercise are intended only in terms of exchange of personal experience, expertise and knowledge and do not express the position of any national or international organization, agency or body.

In case you need any help on proceeding with the case study, or on technical issues, please contact the moderator of the blog by using the contact form on the right column.

Hope you will enjoy your experience!

To get started press here.