Starting the investigation

Once the notification part is over, you must start organizing your investigation.
First of all you need to decide the extent of your investigation. According to a set of criteria you may decide to launch:
  • a local investigation (on board your vessel, by crew members)
  • an investigation by deploying a local agent or investigator
  • a full size investigation, by conducting it yourself
Write down your set of criteria for this decision and what would be the extent of your investigation. Then, take some minutes to think what will be your main concerns including:
  • inventory requirements as investigator
  • plans to acquire evidence and 
  • the techniques that will be used.

Normally, the above should be related to each other.

Write down a relevant bullet list in the comment area with your considerations. Make sure you leave a nickname to your comment, to receive respective feedback.

In case you want to read again data from the case scenario introduction, press here

After completing your task here, press the "Next" button to move to the next stage.

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